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School of Health and Human Sciences

Meet Your Professors

The Concordia Kinesiology faculty is committed to the education of each individual student. Our small class sizes allow for many hands-on learning. The rigor of the program makes the graduates of the BS Kinesiology desirable in the medical, health and 健康 industries and higher education.

Kinesiology Department Chair



Dr. 万斯Tammen是健康与人类科学学院运动机能系的主席. He earned a BS and Ph.D. from University of Illinois and Master of Science from Kansas State University. His 研究 specialty is the social psychology of sport and physical activity, focused on the motivation of 教练 and athletes and 健康 across the lifespan. 他发表了许多关于这些主题的论文,并为运动员提供了数千小时的运动心理学服务, 教练, & 组织.

Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences



Dr. 特里·奥尔森在被任命为艺术与科学学院院长和运动与体育科学系系主任之后,担任健康与人文科学学院院长. Dr. Olson’s educational background includes a BS from New Mexico State University and a MS and Ph.D. from the University of New Mexico. Dr. 奥尔森目前的研究重点是体育职前教师的自我调节和批判性思维.


Dr. 内森•迈耶


Dr. 内森•迈耶 completed his M.S. '13 (Kinesiology: Exercise Psychology) and Ph.D. '18 (Kinesiology: Physical Activity Epidemiology) from Iowa State University. Dr. Meier has experience as project manager, recruitment coordinator, and principal investigator for numerous 研究 studies supervising undergraduate 研究 assistants, 硕士生. He actively recruits undergraduate students to participate in and lead their own independent 研究. He is the coach of the CUI Judo Club, holds a 4th degree black belt and has taken students to compete nationally. 整体, he is interested in lifestyle and health, especially avoiding chronic disease, 健康老龄化, 健康促进.

Dr. Meier发表了许多关于大学生对减压方法的生理反应的研究文章, validity of consumer-based physical activity monitors, the relationship of physical activity and 健身 on the development of glaucoma, 多种身体成分测量方法用于筛选与年龄相关的肌肉质量损失的验证, strength and function (Sarcopenia), and the relationship between physical activity, 健身, strength and muscle mass with sarcopenia.

Dr. Meier and his wife Sarah enjoy being outdoors hiking, 运行, and biking and promote lifestyle as 医学 through healthy choices around diet and 锻炼.




Dr. Lee has taught Biomechanics, 运动生理学, and Kinesiology courses at Concordia University Irvine since Fall 2020. Prior to Concordia, Dr. 李教授曾担任美国亚利桑那大学萨弗心脏中心研究员和韩国机械研究院首席研究员 & Materials (KIMM) in South Korea. She has a Bachelor of Science in Physics from Ewha Womans University, a Master of Education in Physical Education from Seoul National University in South Korea, 和Ph值.D. in Kinesiology (Concentration in Biomechanics) from University of Calgary, Canada. Dr. Lee在同行评审期刊上发表了18篇原创研究论文,并在生物力学和生理学会议论文集上发表了20多篇论文. 她在骨骼肌和心肌从细胞到全身水平的生物力学测试方面有丰富的经验. Dr. Lee目前的研究兴趣是老年人或老年肌肉保持偏心力量的机制.

Dr. Lee resides in Cypress with her husband Joo and daughter Minah. 他们是布埃纳公园感恩节教堂的成员,喜欢户外活动和去海洋世界, 圣地亚哥.




教授迈克尔·瑞安带来了一个独特的混合性能和康复专业知识的康考迪亚大学欧文的运动机能学计划. His professional journey is marked by a variety of roles, including serving as a strength and conditioning coach at high school, 大学, and professional sport levels. 另外, 他在健康环境中担任运动生理学家,这一角色磨练了他在进行全面评估和为不同人群制定量身定制的生活方式干预方面的敏锐度. 这种背景下, coupled with his work in geriatric 康复 and health behavior change, underscores his ability to provide holistic care to individuals across the lifespan.

Beyond his practical experience, Ryan教授是认证的力量和调节专家(CSCS)和运动训练认证(ATC)医疗保健专业人士. 他的学术生涯包括获得加州州立大学运动生理学学士学位, 奇科, and a Master of Science in Athletic Training from Concordia University Irvine. 目前,作为一名博士.D. candidate at New Mexico State University, he is conducting 研究 on sport pedagogy and the incidence of injuries in student-athletes.

His 研究 contributions encompass a wide range, including authoring a book chapter on athlete-centered pedagogy in strength and conditioning 训练, 发表了一项关于营养干预的研究,旨在改善高中运动员的身体成分, and contributing to 研究 in physical education teacher education.

在教室里, Professor Ryan embraces a student-centered teaching philosophy, 强调体验式学习,使学生在不同领域的运动机能学中面对现实世界的挑战.

Residing in Laguna Niguel with his wife, 迷迭香, Professor Ryan enjoys surfing, 在体育, and playing music in his leisure time.


One of our greatest assets at Concordia University Irvine is our dedicated faculty. In a small learning environment, 我们的教授关心你——不仅仅是你的表现——他们与他们所教的学生建立终身的师徒关系.


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